Online Training Course Overview
Out of every fifty business ideas, only one typically proves commercially viable, underscoring the importance of efficiently distinguishing winners from non-starters to conserve both time and money. A Feasibility Study offers a systematic approach to evaluating the potential success of any new business venture, whether it involves a major project or the launch of an entirely new business. By assessing the technical, commercial, financial, and organizational feasibility of your idea, you can preemptively eliminate ventures that may consume valuable resources without yielding results.
Moreover, this process enhances the likelihood of success for promising projects by providing deeper insights into the challenges, risks, and opportunities they entail. This strategic foresight not only mitigates potential pitfalls but also maximizes the value these ventures contribute to your organization.
This Anderson training course will feature:
- The key concepts and benefits of a Feasibility Study
- A step-by-step approach to describing a business idea and assessing its feasibility
- Creating a Feasibility Study report
- Assessing the risks and challenges facing new projects
- Winning support for a new business idea from key stakeholders
Online Training Course Objectives
By the end of this online training course, participants will be able to:
- Appreciate the essential role played by Feasibility Studies
- Confidently apply a methodical approach to conducting Feasibility Analysis
- Assess Technical, Commercial, Organizational and Financial feasibility
- Engage and involve key stakeholders to create ownership for new business ideas
- Create and ‘pitch’ comprehensive and engaging Feasibility Studies to senior stakeholders to enable effective business decisions
Designed for
This Anderson training course will benefit anyone who might need to take part in a Feasibility Study, including people responsible for leading or delivering substantial projects, such as the development and launch of new products, new services, new IT systems or large pieces of infrastructure. This training course is suitable for those relatively new to the discipline as well as to more seasoned managers who may need to review Feasibility Studies before helping to make important investment decisions and will also benefit:
- Project Managers
- Project Planners
- Managers responsible for launching new products and services
- Senior operations managers
- People launching new business ventures
Learning Methods
This Anderson training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This training course focuses strongly on interactivity and practical exercises. Short presentations are combined with extensive discussions, relevant videos, team activities and case study exercises. Examples from the delegates own organizations are used to bring training to life and to ground it in reality. An opportunity for teams to pitch brand-new business ideas invariably proves to be the highlight of this hands-on course.