Upcoming Sessions

16-20 Sep 2024London - UK$5,950
24-28 Feb 2025Dubai - UAE$5,950
23-27 Jun 2025London - UK$5,950
15-19 Sep 2025London - UK$5,950

Why Choose this Training Course?

This Project Appraisal & Analysis training course in provides you with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively appraise and analyse projects. It provides you with the latest tools and techniques to manage project risks and uncertainties to ensure profit margins and sustainability in uncertain times.

This Anderson training course explores the impact of COVID-19 on the viability and profitability of new and existing projects. Forecasting the potential impact and measures that may be put in place to combat them.

This Anderson training course will feature:

  • The latest issues facing organisations involved in Project Appraisal & Analysis including the global pandemic
  • The Analysis & Evaluation of Practical Case Studies to ensure skills development and transfer to the workplace
  • Knowledge and Skills Development to ensure tangible benefits for your organisation
  • Leading international Analytical Tools & Techniques

What are the Goals?

By the end of this Anderson training course, participants will be able to:

  • Undertake, Technical, Economic, Financial & Risk Analysis to select Projects to meet National and Organisational Objectives
  • Undertake Financial Analysis using Payback, NPV & IRR
  • Identifying & Measuring Risk & Uncertainties – How to cope with an on-going COVID pandemic
  • Evaluate and Manage Risks using the latest tools & techniques
  • Manage Uncertainties using Decisions Trees, Programming Techniques – Gannt Charts, Network & Critical Path Analysis, Manpower Planning, Contingency Planning & Earned Value Analysis

Who is this Training Course for?

This Anderson training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit the following individuals:

  • New & Experienced Supervisors
  • Team Leaders & Line Managers
  • Projects & Process Engineers & Managers
  • Risk Managers & Professionals
  • Professional at all levels involved in Projects

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This training course will utilise a variety of proven highly interactive adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented.

A particular feature of the training course is the practical nature of this training course, involving delegates in the practical appraisal and analysis of projects using the latest tools and techniques to ensure skills development.

The instructor will also facilitate learning by encouraging the delegates to test and critically appraise any theories and concepts on the training course.

Download Course Brochure in Pdf format
Download Course Brochure

Why Choose this Training Course?

This Project Appraisal & Analysis training course in provides you with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively appraise and analyse projects. It provides you with the latest tools and techniques to manage project risks and uncertainties to ensure profit margins and sustainability in uncertain times.

This Anderson training course explores the impact of COVID-19 on the viability and profitability of new and existing projects. Forecasting the potential impact and measures that may be put in place to combat them.

This Anderson training course will feature:

  • The latest issues facing organisations involved in Project Appraisal & Analysis including the global pandemic
  • The Analysis & Evaluation of Practical Case Studies to ensure skills development and transfer to the workplace
  • Knowledge and Skills Development to ensure tangible benefits for your organisation
  • Leading international Analytical Tools & Techniques

What are the Goals?

By the end of this Anderson training course, participants will be able to:

  • Undertake, Technical, Economic, Financial & Risk Analysis to select Projects to meet National and Organisational Objectives
  • Undertake Financial Analysis using Payback, NPV & IRR
  • Identifying & Measuring Risk & Uncertainties – How to cope with an on-going COVID pandemic
  • Evaluate and Manage Risks using the latest tools & techniques
  • Manage Uncertainties using Decisions Trees, Programming Techniques – Gannt Charts, Network & Critical Path Analysis, Manpower Planning, Contingency Planning & Earned Value Analysis

Who is this Training Course for?

This Anderson training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit the following individuals:

  • New & Experienced Supervisors
  • Team Leaders & Line Managers
  • Projects & Process Engineers & Managers
  • Risk Managers & Professionals
  • Professional at all levels involved in Projects

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This training course will utilise a variety of proven highly interactive adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented.

A particular feature of the training course is the practical nature of this training course, involving delegates in the practical appraisal and analysis of projects using the latest tools and techniques to ensure skills development.

The instructor will also facilitate learning by encouraging the delegates to test and critically appraise any theories and concepts on the training course.

Day One:  Project Appraisal & Analysis I

  • The Investment Criteria & The Investment Planning Process
  • Identifying Technical, Logistical & Environmental Risks
  • Economic Risk Analysis
  • Market Risk Analysis
  • Selecting Projects to meet Organisational Objectives in a COVID World

Day Two:  Project Appraisal & Analysis II – Financial Analysis

  • Estimating Income, Cashflows & Durations
  • Identifying Risks from the Projected Cashflow
  • Calculating the Cost of Finance – WACC, CAPM & Arbitrage Pricing
  • Capital Investment Appraisal Techniques - Payback; ARR, NPV, IRR etc.
  • Financial Appraisal using Spreadsheet Skills

Day Three: Project Risk & Uncertainties

  • Measuring Risk & Uncertainties - coping with COVID
  • Project Constraints
  • Balancing Scope, Time, Quality & Cost
  • Evaluating the Risks & Uncertainties – Their Likelihood & Impact
  • Risk Response Planning & Reporting – Contingency Plans to cope with on-going COVID

Day Four: Risk Management

  • The Risk Management Process at various levels of an organization and throughout the Project Life Cycle
  • The Project Manager’s Roles and Responsibilities
  • Qualitative & Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • Financial Risk Management & Derivatives
  • Sensitivity Analysis & Monte Carlo Simulation Analysis

Day Five: Managing Uncertainties

  • Decisions Trees to Manage Uncertainties and make Strategic Decisions
  • Programming Techniques – Gannt Charts, Network & Critical Path Analysis
  • Manpower Planning and Resource Smoothing & Levelling
  • Project Contingency Planning
  • Earned Value Analysis – Controlling Cost & Schedule Variances

The Certificate

Anderson Certificate of Completion will be provided to delegates who attend and complete the course

Info & In-house Solution

For more information about this course, call or email us at:

Call us: +971 4 365 8363

Email: info@anderson.ae

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