Anderson caters an extensive portfolio of Data Science and Protection training courses in London - UK diligently designed and conducted by our internationally acclaimed subject matter experts with profound knowledge and expertise in the field of Data Science and Protection. Our Data Science and Protection training courses in London - UK adhere to the latest trends and standards of today’s corporate landscape and will usher a spectrum of professionals towards their comprehensive development. Our suite of Data Science and Protection training courses in London - UK will utilise a diverse and conducive learning environment situated in internationally renowned cities with the objective to not only to provide a great learning experience but also to feature the prime amenities all over the globe.

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Showing 16 to 30 of 47 sessions of courses

03-07 Feb 2025 - London

Strengthening Management Decision Making through Enhanced Information Quality

21-25 Apr 2025 - London

SPSS Essentials Course

21-25 Apr 2025 - London

21-25 Apr 2025 - London

Excel with the Power of Data

28 Apr-02 May 2025 - London

05-09 May 2025 - London

The Recipe for Insuring your Privacy

12-16 May 2025 - London

19-23 May 2025 - London

From Idea to Blockchain Reality

26-30 May 2025 - London
Course title Date Venue Duration Fees
Alteryx: Master the Power of Data Analytics and Visualization

Alteryx: Master the Power of Data Analytics and Visualization

Training Course Overview Alteryx stands as a robust data analytics platform, empowering users to prepare, blend, analyze, and report on data sourced from diverse origins. Over the span of this 5...

16-20 Dec 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Cybersecurity Defense Strategies

Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Cybersecurity Defense Strategies

Training Course Overview  This training course provides an in-depth exploration of how artificial intelligence (AI) can be leveraged to enhance cybersecurity defense strategies. Participants will learn about the latest AI ...

23-27 Dec 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Architecture

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Architecture

TRAINING COURSE OVERVIEW Risks are an inherent aspect of life, and while we cannot eradicate every risk, effective preparation to manage and respond to incidents is crucial for recovery and ...

27-31 Jan 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
A Complete Guide to IT Quality Management

A Complete Guide to IT Quality Management

TRAINING COURSE OVERVIEW Balancing consistency and excellence in organizational products and services poses a significant challenge. Today, leaders recognize the pivotal role of technology in their operations and perceive IT ...

03-07 Feb 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner™ (CAIP)

Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner™ (CAIP)

Training Course Overview Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have evolved into indispensable tools for numerous organizations. When leveraged adeptly, these tools yield actionable insights crucial for making pivotal ...

14-18 Apr 2025 London 5 Days $6,950 Details
Data Analytics for Managerial Decision Making

Data Analytics for Managerial Decision Making

Training Course Overview Effective and decisive decision-making is crucial for successful managers. Utilizing evidence-based information is a key factor in achieving this. Professionals can enhance their decision-making capabilities by acquiring ...

21-25 Apr 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Data Mining and Big Data Analytics Using SPSS

Data Mining and Big Data Analytics Using SPSS

Training Course Overview Data Mining and Big Data Analytics have become ubiquitous tools enabling data-driven decision-making, enhancing productivity, and fostering innovative advancements. Despite their benefits, controversies have arisen not from ...

21-25 Apr 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Certificate in Blockchain Project Management

Certificate in Blockchain Project Management

Training Course Overview Welcome to the Certificate in Blockchain Project Management program. This rigorous 5-day course is meticulously crafted to provide participants with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to ...

21-25 Apr 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Data Management, Manipulation & Analysis using Excel®

Data Management, Manipulation & Analysis using Excel®

Training Course Overview Data has never been more abundant and accessible than it is today. From our daily routines to business operations and personal achievements, data is constantly generated. This ...

28 Apr-02 May 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Certified Data Science Practitioner (CDSP)

Certified Data Science Practitioner (CDSP)

Training Course Overview In today\'s data-centric landscape, thriving businesses recognize data as a pivotal asset. It serves as a compass, illuminating the present state and future trajectory of the ...

05-09 May 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Regulatory and Compliance in Fintech and Blockchain

Regulatory and Compliance in Fintech and Blockchain

Training Course Overview Welcome to the \"Regulatory and Compliance in Fintech and Blockchain\" training course. This training course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the legal ...

05-09 May 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Information Security Management

Information Security Management

Training Course Overview Has your organization\'s data seen a significant increase? Are you concerned about the potential loss of business or personal information? Do you worry about the security ...

12-16 May 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Blockchain for Supply Chain Management

Blockchain for Supply Chain Management

Training Course Overview Welcome to the Blockchain for Supply Chain Management training course. Tailored to equip participants with a fundamental grasp of how blockchain technology is revolutionizing supply chain management, ...

19-23 May 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Blockchain Project Management Mastery

Blockchain Project Management Mastery

Training Course Overview WWelcome to the Blockchain Project Management Mastery training course. Over the span of this intensive 5-day program, you\'ll gain the expertise and capabilities required to effectively ...

26-30 May 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist™ (CEET)

Certified Ethical Emerging Technologist™ (CEET)

Training Course Overview Symbiotic advancements in computing and engineering are propelling technological progress to new heights. From blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) to gene editing and the Internet of Things (...

16-20 Jun 2025 London 5 Days $5,950 Details

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