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21-25 Oct 2024New York - USA$6,950
16-20 Dec 2024London - UK$5,950
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14-18 Jul 2025Dubai - UAE$5,950
20-24 Oct 2025New York - USA$6,950
15-19 Dec 2025London - UK$5,950

Training Course Overview

Alteryx stands as a robust data analytics platform, empowering users to prepare, blend, analyze, and report on data sourced from diverse origins. Over the span of this 5-day training program, you'll delve into harnessing Alteryx Designer's capabilities to construct workflows facilitating the connection, transformation, analysis, and visualization of data. Moreover, you'll master the creation of macros and apps to automate and disseminate your workflows seamlessly. Advanced topics and efficiency-boosting tips for utilizing Alteryx effectively will also be covered.

Upon completion of this Anderson training course, you'll possess the confidence and creativity to leverage Alteryx proficiently for your unique data analytics requirements.

Key components of this training course include:

  • Data Visualization with Alteryx
  • Data Preparation Using Alteryx
  • Alteryx Automation
  • Alteryx Workflow Optimization
  • Advanced Alteryx Techniques and Strategies

Training Course Objectives

By the end of this Anderson training course, participants will be able to: 

  • To learn the basics of Alteryx and how it can enhance data preparation, analysis, and reporting
  • To learn how to use various Alteryx tools to connect, transform, analyze, and visualize data
  • To learn how to create and share workflows
  • To learn how to create macros and apps to automate

Learning Methods

This Anderson training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes presentation, workshops, questions and answers sessions.

Download Course Brochure in Pdf format
Download Course Brochure

Training Course Overview

Alteryx stands as a robust data analytics platform, empowering users to prepare, blend, analyze, and report on data sourced from diverse origins. Over the span of this 5-day training program, you'll delve into harnessing Alteryx Designer's capabilities to construct workflows facilitating the connection, transformation, analysis, and visualization of data. Moreover, you'll master the creation of macros and apps to automate and disseminate your workflows seamlessly. Advanced topics and efficiency-boosting tips for utilizing Alteryx effectively will also be covered.

Upon completion of this Anderson training course, you'll possess the confidence and creativity to leverage Alteryx proficiently for your unique data analytics requirements.

Key components of this training course include:

  • Data Visualization with Alteryx
  • Data Preparation Using Alteryx
  • Alteryx Automation
  • Alteryx Workflow Optimization
  • Advanced Alteryx Techniques and Strategies

Training Course Objectives

By the end of this Anderson training course, participants will be able to: 

  • To learn the basics of Alteryx and how it can enhance data preparation, analysis, and reporting
  • To learn how to use various Alteryx tools to connect, transform, analyze, and visualize data
  • To learn how to create and share workflows
  • To learn how to create macros and apps to automate

Learning Methods

This Anderson training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes presentation, workshops, questions and answers sessions.

Day One: Introduction to Alteryx

  • What is Alteryx and why use it?
  • Install and activate Alteryx Designer
  • Navigate the Alteryx interface and use the canvas, tool palette, configuration window, results window, and workflow view
  • Connect to various data sources and use the input data tool
  • Browse, filter, sort, and summarize data using the browse, filter, sort, and summarize tools
  • Join, union, and append data using the join, union, and append tools
  • Exercises and examples

Day Two: Working with Data Preparation and Transformation

  • The select tool to modify data types, field names, and field order
  • The formula tool to create and edit calculations and expressions
  • The text to columns tool to split data into multiple fields
  • The transpose and cross tab tools to reshape data
  • The sample tool to select a subset of records
  • The unique tool to remove duplicate records
  • Exercises and examples

Day Three: Working with Data Analysis and Reporting

  • The find replace tool to replace values based on a reference table
  • The fuzzy match tool to identify similar records
  • The spatial tools to perform geospatial analysis and mapping
  • The predictive tools to perform statistical analysis and machine learning
  • The reporting tools to create charts, tables, maps, and dashboards
  • Exercises and examples

Day Four: Working with Macros and Apps

  • Macros and how to create them in Alteryx
  • The macro input and macro output tools
  • The action tool to modify tool configurations within a macro
  • The interface tools to create user inputs and outputs for a macro
  • Saving a macro as an app and run it in Alteryx Gallery or Server
  • Exercises and examples

Day Five: Advanced Topics and Tips

  • The dynamic input tool to change data sources at runtime
  • The download tool to access web data using APIs
  • The run command tool to execute external commands
  • The Alteryx scripting tools, including Python and R1
  • Optimizing your workflow for performance and best practices
  • Troubleshooting common errors and issues in Alteryx
  • Exercises and examples

The Certificate

    Anderson Certificate of Completion will be provided to delegates who attend and complete the course

Info & In-house Solution

For more information about this course, call or email us at:

Call us: +971 4 365 8363

Email: info@anderson.ae

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