Anderson Gold

In-House Training Courses

Consultancy Solutions

"The Gold standard in HR and Leadership Consultancy provision"

At Anderson we always strive to ensure that our clients and customers receive the best possible service.

There will be times when you may need that extra intervention or help, for example, the project or assignment is of high value or of high calibre, it may involve very senior people in the organisation, the project may be long term and require continued support. Examples may include:

  • Dedicated senior leadership/strategy programmes with built in psychometrics, coaching and mentoring
  • Organisational development strategies or company re-structures
  • Talent management systems design
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Competency framework development and implementation

Our "Anderson Gold" premium service is designed to help in such situations.

The Gold service signifies that a high value has been placed on the solution by the project organisation. The service is a premium "first class" offering, whereby a dedicated, hand-picked, specialist Consultant, (or possibly team of Consultants) will be assigned personally to work with you to provide a solution to your needs.

The Consultant (or team of Consultants) will be overseen and managed by our Principal Consultant, who will liaise with your principal regularly to ensure that your needs are being met.

Using our unique "Anderson Way", we will work with you, from "concept, commission to completion" - and beyond.

The Anderson Way

We will work with you to design and develop your solution, using our unrivalled talent pool of knowledge and expertise.
Developing a number of delegates at once can be more cost effective than attendance at separate, open courses.
We will work with you to ensure you are completely satisfied with the end solution.
We don't see this as the end of the journey - but the beginning of a sustainable relationship - working with you to grow your people, and your organisation

Our aim is to build and form excellent working relations to ensure any high end project you need to implement is conducted, not only to our highest standards, but with the full personal touch only experienced in high end service provision.

We will continue the working relationship long after, ensuring sustainable partnership growth into the future.

If you are a Senior HR/Development/Leader in your organisation and you see this service is something of interest to you or your organisation, then please enquire more about how we can help with our "Anderson Gold" Service, we would be very pleased to chat further.

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We are happy to help


John Smart

Business Unit Manager
In-house Solutions


Emellia Koukash

Programme Advisor

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