Anderson training courses are designed and delivered by industry recognized subject matter experts, ensuring that they equip attendees with the skills and knowledge needed to enhance their working profile and contribute to the continued growth of their respective organisations.

Showing 136 to 150 of 2184 sessions of courses

The Science of How to Stimulate Organisational Change

12-16 Aug 2024 - London

The Importance of Positive Employee Relations

12-16 Aug 2024 - London

The Essentials of Project Finance & Financial Analysis

12-16 Aug 2024 - London

An Essential Guide to Securing Finance

12-16 Aug 2024 - London

12-16 Aug 2024 - Dubai

12-16 Aug 2024 - Barcelona

Strengthening Management Decision Making through Enhanced Information Quality

12-16 Aug 2024 - London

12-16 Aug 2024 - London

Analysis, Design & Leadership

12-16 Aug 2024 - London

The Recipe for Insuring your Privacy

12-16 Aug 2024 - Dubai

Unleashing the Power, Potential & Positivity of Women in the Workplace

12-16 Aug 2024 - Dubai

Unleashing the Power, Potential & Positivity of Women in the Workplace

12-16 Aug 2024 - Dubai

12-16 Aug 2024 - Istanbul

Certificate in Business Strategy Management - Planning, Development & Implementation

12-16 Aug 2024 - Dubai
Course title Date Venue Duration Fees
The Complete Course on Data Science & Big Data Analytics

The Complete Course on Data Science & Big Data Analytics

Training Course Overview If your organization is not a remnant of the past, then it has already ventured into the realm of Big Data as well as Data Science. By ...

12-16 Aug 2024 Istanbul 5 Days $5,950 Details
Certificate in Organisational Development & Change

Certificate in Organisational Development & Change

Training Course Overview There is one absolute certainty in the business world and that is change. The ability to embrace change and accelerate buy in from people is crucial to ...

12-16 Aug 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Labour Relations: Managing in a Unionised Environment

Labour Relations: Managing in a Unionised Environment

Training Course Overview Why should an organisation pay attention to developing good Labour/ Employee Relations?  Events in the most well-run of organisations can leave employees experiencing feelings of unfairness, alienation, ...

12-16 Aug 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Project Finance & Financial Analysis Techniques for Infrastructure Projects

Project Finance & Financial Analysis Techniques for Infrastructure Projects

Why Choose this Training Course? Infrastructure projects by their very nature require substantial capital and offer considerable benefits and risks. It is therefore essential to understand the latest techniques to ...

12-16 Aug 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Loan Structuring, LBOs & Acquisition Finance

Loan Structuring, LBOs & Acquisition Finance

Training Course Overview This Anderson training course is an essential guide to enable finance providers and those requiring finance to evaluate or secure loans, leverage buyouts and acquisition finance. As ...

12-16 Aug 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
The Advanced Business Strategist

The Advanced Business Strategist

Training Course Overview Senior managers and directors come from varied backgrounds: including technical, commercial, financial. All need sound strategic management skills to make the big decisions for the future direction ...

12-16 Aug 2024 Dubai 5 Days $6,250 Details
Mastering Project Management Office (PMO)

Mastering Project Management Office (PMO)

Training Course Overview Welcome to the Mastering Project Management Office (PMO) Training – your gateway to unlocking the power of effective project management within your organization! In today\'s dynamic business ...

12-16 Aug 2024 Barcelona 5 Days $5,950 Details
Data Analytics for Managerial Decision Making

Data Analytics for Managerial Decision Making

Training Course Overview Effective and decisive decision-making is crucial for successful managers. Utilizing evidence-based information is a key factor in achieving this. Professionals can enhance their decision-making capabilities by acquiring ...

12-16 Aug 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Commercial Awareness and Business Acumen

Commercial Awareness and Business Acumen

Training Course Overview Greetings and welcome to the Commercial Awareness and Business Acumen training course. In the swiftly changing business environment of today, cultivating a robust sense of commercial awareness ...

12-16 Aug 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Advanced Problem Solving & Decision Making

Advanced Problem Solving & Decision Making

Training Course Overview Leadership excellence hinges on the ability to make timely and informed decisions. Great leaders stand out by leveraging a diverse range of techniques and practices to generate ...

12-16 Aug 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Information Security Management

Information Security Management

Training Course Overview Has your organization\'s data seen a significant increase? Are you concerned about the potential loss of business or personal information? Do you worry about the security ...

12-16 Aug 2024 Dubai 5 Days $5,950 Details
Mini MBA: Women in Leadership

Mini MBA: Women in Leadership

Training Course Overview Do you have what it takes to be a woman leader in the 21st Century? In the 20th century, women worked extra hard to make it in ...

12-16 Aug 2024 Dubai 5 Days $5,950 Details
Women in Leadership

Women in Leadership

Training Course Overview Do you have what it takes to be a woman leader in the 21st Century? In the 20th century, women worked extra hard to make it in ...

12-16 Aug 2024 Dubai 5 Days $5,950 Details
Certified Data Science Practitioner (CDSP)

Certified Data Science Practitioner (CDSP)

Training Course Overview In today\'s data-centric landscape, thriving businesses recognize data as a pivotal asset. It serves as a compass, illuminating the present state and future trajectory of the ...

12-16 Aug 2024 Istanbul 5 Days $5,950 Details
Advanced Strategic Management

Advanced Strategic Management

Training Course Overview Senior managers and directors bring diverse backgrounds, spanning technical, commercial, and financial domains. Regardless of their expertise, they all require robust strategic management skills to steer their ...

12-16 Aug 2024 Dubai 5 Days $5,950 Details

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