Anderson Executive Development Centre scaled up its training repertoire by launching a collection of online courses and remote learning solutions designed to address professionals of different clusters opting to further their professional dexterities through the advantage of virtual learning. Our online training courses are designed, guided and accompanied by instructors who are competency experts possessing proficiency in delivering distance courses. Therefore, ensuring the quality and excellence Anderson is committed to institutionalise.
Showing 181 to 195 of 338 sessions of courses

Essential Tools for Business Management

13-17 Jan 2025 - Online

Certificate in Practical Finance and Accounting: Essential Tools for Business Management

13-17 Jan 2025 - Online

The Science of How to Stimulate Organisational Change

20-24 Jan 2025 - Online

Achieving Superior Interpersonal Effectiveness

20-24 Jan 2025 - Online

A Guide to Causes & Avoidance of Violent Behaviour at Work

20-24 Jan 2025 - Online

Achieving Effective Results With An Agile Mindset

20-24 Jan 2025 - Online

Achieving Operational Excellence in Multishift Management

27-31 Jan 2025 - Online

How to Conduct Training Needs Assessment and Curriculum Development

27-31 Jan 2025 - Online

The Importance of Positive Employee Relations

27-31 Jan 2025 - Online

Leading your Organisation to Business Agile Excellence

27-31 Jan 2025 - Online

Architecture for Optimising Organisational Performance

27-31 Jan 2025 - Online

Managing Relationships Effectively with Others

27-31 Jan 2025 - Online

Enhancing the future of Human Resources as a Valued Strategic Partner

03-07 Feb 2025 - Online

Leading Strategic HR Transformation

03-07 Feb 2025 - Online

Effectively Communicate, Delegate & Manage Priorities to Achieve Management Success

03-07 Feb 2025 - Online
Course title Date Venue Duration Fees
Certificate in Practical Finance & Accounting

Certificate in Practical Finance & Accounting

Online Training Course Overview Accounting is often hailed as the cornerstone of business communication—a language enabling managers to convey a firm\'s financial and economic status to external stakeholders ...

13-17 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Certified Financial Manager

Certified Financial Manager

Online Training Course Overview Accounting serves as the backbone of business communication, often dubbed the \"language of business.\" It\'s the conduit through which managers convey the financial and economic ...

13-17 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Certificate in Organisational Development & Change

Certificate in Organisational Development & Change

Online Training Course Overview In the dynamic realm of business, change is the only constant. The ability to embrace change and swiftly garner support from stakeholders is paramount for organizational ...

20-24 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Effective People Skills

Effective People Skills

Online Training Course Overview Welcome to this transformative Anderson training course in personal development! Harvard University emphasizes that 85% of our satisfaction and joy stems from our ability to build meaningful ...

20-24 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Understanding Workplace Conflict and Aggression

Understanding Workplace Conflict and Aggression

Online Training Course Overview Paid employment gives people not only an income but also affords them opportunities to contribute to society as a whole, their employer’s business and their ...

20-24 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Building an Agile Mindset and Being Agile in the Workplace

Building an Agile Mindset and Being Agile in the Workplace

Online Training Course Overview \"In an era where change is the only constant, we often find ourselves grappling with the pressures of navigating a disruptive workplace culture characterized by cost-cutting ...

20-24 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Best Practices in Multishift Operations

Best Practices in Multishift Operations

Online Training Course Overview If you\'re eager to discover how leading operational organizations effectively manage round-the-clock, multiple-shift operations to achieve exceptional performance and cultivate top-tier talent, this Anderson training ...

27-31 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Training Design and Development for Learning Success

Training Design and Development for Learning Success

Online Training Course Overview This online training course is well-paced, structured and very interactive. It examines three main topics: Training needs analysis, course design and learning material development. They are ...

27-31 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Labour Relations: Managing in a Unionised Environment

Labour Relations: Managing in a Unionised Environment

Online Training Course Overview Why should an organisation pay attention to developing good Labour/ Employee Relations?  Events in the most well-run of organisations can leave employees experiencing feelings of unfairness, ...

27-31 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
The Agile Leader

The Agile Leader

Online Training Course Overview Are you ready to lead the recovery strategy from COVID?  Do you have the necessary leadership skills to create true business agility? To lead in this ...

27-31 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Mastering Leadership Decision Making

Mastering Leadership Decision Making

Online Training Course Overview Decision Making is a complex and uniquely human capability that seeks outcomes that move organisations, teams and individuals to a more positive and productive future. Whether ...

27-31 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Certificate in Behavioural Management and Emotional Intelligence

Certificate in Behavioural Management and Emotional Intelligence

Online Training Course Overview Have you ever aspired to become not just a happier individual but also a more influential leader? In this engaging Anderson online training session, you\'ll ...

27-31 Jan 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Certificate in HR Strategy for Organisational Development

Certificate in HR Strategy for Organisational Development

Online Training Course Overview HR Transformation aims to drive tangible business outcomes. This Anderson training course is tailored to empower delegates to go beyond basic administration, focusing on transformative efforts ...

03-07 Feb 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
The Mini-MBA in HR Strategy

The Mini-MBA in HR Strategy

Online Training Course Overview HR Transformation is about driving business results and hence this Anderson online training course will help delegates deliver more than just basic administration but more on ...

03-07 Feb 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
The Management Essentials

The Management Essentials

Online Training Course Overview          Being new to management presents you with a whole host of issues and concerns. From difficult employees to demanding bosses, you can never predict where your ...

03-07 Feb 2025 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details

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