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26-30 Aug 2024Dubai - UAE$5,950
30 Sep-04 Oct 2024Dubai - UAE$5,950
21-25 Oct 2024Paris - France$5,950
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13-17 Jan 2025Dubai - UAE$5,950
21-25 Apr 2025London - UK$5,950
02-06 Jun 2025London - UK$5,950
25-29 Aug 2025Dubai - UAE$5,950
29 Sep-03 Oct 2025Dubai - UAE$5,950

Training Course Overview

Are you still a dinosaur?

The truth is simple. People work hard for managers whom they like and respect. The old days of ruling by fear are gone, every study shows that employee engagement is greatly improved in organizations that focus their attention on Personal and inter-personal skills within the workplace. Leading to higher productivity, reduced absenteeism, greater job satisfaction, reduced conflicts and greater innovation.

This Anderson training course is a masterclass on personal and interpersonal skills and will enable you to Master the art of dealing with people. You will learn how to interact with your team to produce greater employee engagement, how to motivate and inspire your people, how to coach people to improve their performance and how to deal with people who under-perform at work. The tools and techniques you will learn on this training course will last you a lifetime and can be used for business and in your personal life.

One thing is certain in life, we cannot avoid working with others so we might as well master the art of dealing with them and get them on our side. This training course will give you practical skills that allow you to win people over to your way of thinking.

Training Course Objectives

By attending this Anderson training course, delegates will be able to:

  • Vastly improve your personal and inter-personal skills
  • Be able coach and inspire a team
  • Be able to read and understand body language signals
  • Deal with people with difficult attitudes
  • Deal with conflict situations head on with confidence
  • Gain the respect and trust of others

Designed For

This Anderson training course is suitable for anyone who is looking to boost their level of management and leadership skills by mastering personal and inter-personal skills. If your role is to get results through people, then this course is a must

  • Aspiring leaders of the future
  • Team leaders
  • Managers
  • Engineers
  • Supervisors
Download Course Brochure in Pdf format
Download Course Brochure

Training Course Overview

Are you still a dinosaur?

The truth is simple. People work hard for managers whom they like and respect. The old days of ruling by fear are gone, every study shows that employee engagement is greatly improved in organizations that focus their attention on Personal and inter-personal skills within the workplace. Leading to higher productivity, reduced absenteeism, greater job satisfaction, reduced conflicts and greater innovation.

This Anderson training course is a masterclass on personal and interpersonal skills and will enable you to Master the art of dealing with people. You will learn how to interact with your team to produce greater employee engagement, how to motivate and inspire your people, how to coach people to improve their performance and how to deal with people who under-perform at work. The tools and techniques you will learn on this training course will last you a lifetime and can be used for business and in your personal life.

One thing is certain in life, we cannot avoid working with others so we might as well master the art of dealing with them and get them on our side. This training course will give you practical skills that allow you to win people over to your way of thinking.

Training Course Objectives

By attending this Anderson training course, delegates will be able to:

  • Vastly improve your personal and inter-personal skills
  • Be able coach and inspire a team
  • Be able to read and understand body language signals
  • Deal with people with difficult attitudes
  • Deal with conflict situations head on with confidence
  • Gain the respect and trust of others

Designed For

This Anderson training course is suitable for anyone who is looking to boost their level of management and leadership skills by mastering personal and inter-personal skills. If your role is to get results through people, then this course is a must

  • Aspiring leaders of the future
  • Team leaders
  • Managers
  • Engineers
  • Supervisors

Day One: Communicating Effectively in Writing

  • Writing for your reader: the 12 golden rules of writing so people pay attention, understand and act on your words
  • Using the inverted pyramid structure and covering the essential 5W’s – what, where, when, why, who – and how
  • Clearly signalling the action you want people to take after reading your letter, email, report, or other written words
  • Gold standard letter writing: improving structure, readability and responses
  • Email etiquette: 25 tips to improve how people read and interpret your emails
  • Powerful reports: structuring reports so readers can easily find the information they are interested in

Day Two: Communicating Effectively Face-to-face

  • Creating and delivering presentations and speeches that keep audiences riveted and lead to action
  • Presenting with impact: personal image, tone of voice, body language, overcoming nerves
  • Giving feedback: understanding when and how to give constructive feedback
  • Receiving feedback positively so it is useful and helpful
  • Managing upwards: communicating needs upwards and winning support from more senior managers
  • Building personal credibility with more senior managers through lots of positive interactions

Day Three: Improving Relationships with Team Members

  • Active listening: paying attention to words and body language
  • Asking good questions and listening to answers, checking understanding and reframing
  • Distilling, explaining, articulating: presenting complex information and ideas clearly without dumbing them down
  • Using metaphors, imagery, stories and analogies to explain complex topics
  • Contributing to discussion and debate: ensuring everyone contributes and respects different viewpoints
  • Aiming for commitment, not just agreement

Day Four: Working with Other Teams and Suppliers

  • Collaborating: sharing and encouraging others to share ideas and information
  • Developing a collaborative mindset
  • Win win negotiations: essential core skills and knowledge for negotiating
  • Four approaches for achieving outcomes people commit to and deliver
  • Building consensus: reaching agreement during decision making that everyone is willing to support
  • Four techniques for involving everyone in decision making and ensuring they feel ownership of the final decision

Day Five: Authenticity and Personal Effectiveness

  • Assertiveness in practice: projecting self-confidence and respect for others in meetings, on the phone and online
  • Understanding when to say yes and no, giving and receiving criticism, handling negative feelings
  • Managing difficult people and coping in difficult situations
  • Understanding our own assertiveness style and making adjustments so we get what we want from meetings and discussions
  • Developing an assertiveness style that is authentic for our personality and culture
  • Action planning

The Certificate

    Anderson Certificate of Completion will be provided to delegates who attend and complete the course

Info & In-house Solution

For more information about this course, call or email us at:

Call us: +971 4 365 8363

Email: info@anderson.ae

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