Training Plan 2024

Delivered by world-class leading experts in their respective fields, our Anderson training courses in the Training Plan 2024 will provide you with expert knowledge, skills, and the confidence to take your development to the highest level.

All of our training courses are delivered in some of the most prestigious venues in their respective locations, specifically sourced and chosen to provide the optimum learning environment, ensuring your maximum development experience.

Explore our portfolio of programs in the Training Plan 2024 below.

Showing 826 to 840 of 1030 sessions of courses

A Good Strategy is Valued by its Execution

25-29 Nov 2024 - London

Optimising the Internal Audit Function and Integrating with the Organisation\'s Strategic Objectives

25-29 Nov 2024 - Online

The Best Guidance of an Assurance Engagements to be Confident in your Organisation Credibility

25-29 Nov 2024 - Dubai

How to Implement an effective system of Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

25-29 Nov 2024 - London

Controlling Project Scope, Time & Cost

25-29 Nov 2024 - Dubai

Keys to Corporate Reputation

25-29 Nov 2024 - London

Responding Rapidly to Emerging Opportunities and Threats

25-29 Nov 2024 - Istanbul

Improving Performance and Profitability

25-29 Nov 2024 - London

Combining Expertise for Optimal Solutions

25-29 Nov 2024 - Dubai

25-29 Nov 2024 - Houston

Achieving Superior Interpersonal Effectiveness

25-29 Nov 2024 - Paris

The Art of Working Together

25-29 Nov 2024 - Online

Leadership and Management Essentials for Your Organisation

25-29 Nov 2024 - Dubai

Delivering Results by Aligning Measures with Strategy

25-29 Nov 2024 - Dubai
Course title Date Venue Duration Fees
Certificate in Strategy Excellence: From Strategic Vision to Tactical Execution

Certificate in Strategy Excellence: From Strategic Vision to Tactical Execution

Training Course Overview This Anderson training course offers a comprehensive approach to understanding strategy formulation and implementation. It presents professionals and leaders with the opportunity to effectively translate strategy into ...

25-29 Nov 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Developing, Improving & Monitoring the Internal Audit Function

Developing, Improving & Monitoring the Internal Audit Function

Online Training Course Overview Internal Auditing is a critical function within leading global enterprises. A well-designed and efficient internal audit system serves to verify and support the effective operation of ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE 3000)

International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE 3000)

Training Course Overview What do the successful organization to build up trust and endorse business relationships? How these organizations can measure and monitor  their financial reporting? This Anderson training course ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Dubai 5 Days $5,950 Details
Certificate in Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

Certificate in Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

Training Course Overview Corporate governance and business ethics play indispensable roles in the smooth operation of any company. Following the subprime crisis of 2008, there has been a notable surge in ...

25-29 Nov 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Bootcamp for Project Management Professionals

Bootcamp for Project Management Professionals

Why Choose this Training Course? Welcome to the Bootcamp for Project Management Professionals training course, meticulously designed to equip participants with the knowledge necessary to enhance their effectiveness in their ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Dubai 5 Days $5,950 Details
Public Relations & Successful Campaigns

Public Relations & Successful Campaigns

Training Course Overview PR and Communications are at the heart of business performance. Modern methods, tools and channels have greatly increased the speed in which communications can be experienced, from ...

25-29 Nov 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Agile Organizational Change

Agile Organizational Change

Training Course Overview How can you and your team maintain a competitive edge by swiftly seizing new opportunities and mitigating emerging threats? The key lies in inspiring your team to ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Istanbul 5 Days $5,950 Details
Value Engineering Skills

Value Engineering Skills

Why Choose this Training Course? Value, in its broadest sense, is the benefit to the client, offered by a project. Value Engineering (VE) is a creative, organized approach which enables ...

25-29 Nov 2024 London 5 Days $5,950 Details
Managing a Matrix Team

Managing a Matrix Team

Training Course Overview Matrix management is ideal in organizations for sharing employees and resources across functions. It offers access to specialized knowledge on a temporary basis while being more cost-effective ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Dubai 5 Days $5,950 Details
The Challenges of 21st Century Leadership

The Challenges of 21st Century Leadership

Training Course Overview Designed for people who understand that leaders must challenge themselves and in return be challenged at every opportunity. For an out of your comfort zone experience coupled ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Houston 5 Days $6,950 Details
Effective People Skills

Effective People Skills

Training Course Overview Welcome to this transformative Anderson training course in personal development! Harvard University emphasizes that 85% of our satisfaction and joy stems from our ability to build meaningful relationships ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Paris 5 Days $5,950 Details
Mastering Team Leadership: Advanced Techniques in People Management

Mastering Team Leadership: Advanced Techniques in People Management

Training Course Overview This comprehensive five-day training course is designed to equip participants with advanced techniques in people management and team leadership. The course focuses on developing leadership skills that ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Paris 5 Days $5,950 Details
Advanced Teamwork & Cooperation Skills

Advanced Teamwork & Cooperation Skills

Online Training Course Overview In today\'s business landscape, the adage \"no man is an island\" holds particularly true. Strong teamwork is indispensable for companies to thrive and succeed amidst ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Online 5 Days $3,950 Details
Managing People, Change, and Engagement in the VUCA Workplace

Managing People, Change, and Engagement in the VUCA Workplace

Training Course Overview How will the workplace and leadership change due to Covid-19? The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis had a lasting impact on all workplaces, and things will never be the ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Dubai 5 Days $5,950 Details
Key Performance Indicators & Optimisation

Key Performance Indicators & Optimisation

Training Course Overview Why some organizations fail to stay competitive in the market? One of most important reasons is that they have no Performance Management System that Collect, Analyze and ...

25-29 Nov 2024 Dubai 5 Days $5,950 Details

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