Our 10 day training seminars consists of two modules which can be booked as a 10 Day Training event, or as individual, 5 Day courses.

Delivered by world-class leading experts in their respective fields, our 10 Day training courses will provide you with expert knowledge, skills and the confidence to take your development to the highest level.

Browse below for the complete list of 10 Day training courses and register today!

Showing 121 to 135 of 154 sessions of courses

Strategic Planning, Management Control & Effective Budgeting

08-19 Sep 2025 - London

Bolstering & Sustaining Organisational Excellence

08-19 Sep 2025 - London

Creating Impact, Inspiration and Innovation

08-19 Sep 2025 - London

Advanced High-Performance Leadership

15-26 Sep 2025 - New York

Leading the Way through the Dynamics of an Ever-Changing Corporate Culture

15-26 Sep 2025 - New York

Successful Models for Planning, Executing & Building Partnerships

22 Sep-03 Oct 2025 - London

Leadership Dynamics for Professional Excellence

29 Sep-10 Oct 2025 - London

Leadership Best Practices: Enhancing Leadership for Peak Performance

06-17 Oct 2025 - London

Managing Organisational & Personal Crisis

06-17 Oct 2025 - Barcelona

Enhancing Leadership for Peak Performance

06-17 Oct 2025 - London

Effective Goal Setting, Planning & Task Management

20-31 Oct 2025 - Dubai

Enhancing the Skills and Techniques to Provide Professional Consultancy and Assurance

20-31 Oct 2025 - Dubai

Achieving Synergy in Organisational Leadership

20-31 Oct 2025 - Rome

Integrating Strategic, Operational & Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance

20-31 Oct 2025 - Rome
Course title Date Venue Duration Fees
Mini MBA: Strategic Planning & Effective Budgeting

Mini MBA: Strategic Planning & Effective Budgeting

Training Course Overview Developing Strategies, Risk Analysis, Negotiating, Budgeting and Cost Control are all essential skills for managers who are dedicated to delivery top performance and making a big contribution ...

08-19 Sep 2025 London 10 Days $11,900 Details
Strategic Planning, Management Control & Effective Budgeting

Strategic Planning, Management Control & Effective Budgeting

Training Course Overview Developing Strategies, Risk Analysis, Negotiating, Budgeting and Cost Control are all essential skills for managers who are dedicated to delivery top performance and making a big contribution ...

08-19 Sep 2025 London 10 Days $11,900 Details
The Essentials of Leadership & Management

The Essentials of Leadership & Management

Training Course Overview Improve your success and that of your organization by leveraging the leadership potential of team members. Delegates will focus on developing leadership skills, personal influence, as well ...

08-19 Sep 2025 London 10 Days $11,900 Details
Mini MBA: Quality Performance Leadership

Mini MBA: Quality Performance Leadership

Training Course Overview The rarest and most precious commodity in the world today is not diamonds, gold, or oil. It\'s Good Leadership. Managers are in abundance, leaders are plentiful. ...

15-26 Sep 2025 New York 10 Days $13,900 Details
Advanced High Performance Leadership

Advanced High Performance Leadership

Training Course Overview In today\'s world, the scarcest and most precious commodity isn\'t diamonds, gold, or oil—it\'s good leadership. While managers abound and leaders are plentiful, ...

15-26 Sep 2025 New York 10 Days $13,900 Details
Leading with Excellence

Leading with Excellence

Training Course Overview Today’s competitive business environment demands that we have excellent skills in negotiating and communicating to build alliances.  We also need to be able to plan more ...

22 Sep-03 Oct 2025 London 10 Days $11,900 Details
The British 10-Day Mini MBA in Management & Leadership™

The British 10-Day Mini MBA in Management & Leadership™

TRAINING COURSE OVERVIEW The British 10-Day Mini MBA in Management & Leadership training course is specifically designed for leaders with the desire to advance their business management and leadership skills.  ...

22 Sep-03 Oct 2025 London 10 Days $11,900 Details
Certificate in Leadership & Management Excellence

Certificate in Leadership & Management Excellence

Training Course Overview Welcome to the Anderson Leadership and Management Excellence course—a transformative journey for your career! As Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric, once asserted, \"An ...

29 Sep-10 Oct 2025 London 10 Days $11,900 Details
The Mini MBA of Leadership Best Practices

The Mini MBA of Leadership Best Practices

Training Course Overview Welcome to this Module 1 - Collaborative Leadership and Collective Wisdom and 2 - Leadership, Creativity & Peak Performance, leadership empowering Anderson training courses!  John C. Maxwell is widely ...

06-17 Oct 2025 London 10 Days $11,900 Details
Leading Under Pressure

Leading Under Pressure

Training Course Overview This highly participative Anderson training course will help develop your leadership skills to lead others in times of pressure, stress and crisis. You will become more aware ...

06-17 Oct 2025 Barcelona 10 Days $11,900 Details
Leadership Best Practices

Leadership Best Practices

Training Course Overview Welcome to this Module 1 - Collaborative Leadership and Collective Wisdom and 2 - Leadership, Creativity & Peak Performance, leadership empowering Anderson training courses!  John C. Maxwell is widely ...

06-17 Oct 2025 London 10 Days $11,900 Details
Management Skills and Techniques

Management Skills and Techniques

Training Course Overview This comprehensive 10-day Anderson training course will transform the way you think about and manage yourself and your time, organise and prioritise your work and life tasks, ...

20-31 Oct 2025 Dubai 10 Days $11,900 Details
Raising the Bar of Internal Audit

Raising the Bar of Internal Audit

TRAINING COURSE OVERVIEW This Raising the Bar of Internal Audit training course is designed to assist the auditors in understanding the organization’s business objectives & strategy to identify risks ...

20-31 Oct 2025 Dubai 10 Days $11,900 Details
Integrating Strategic, Operational & Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance

Integrating Strategic, Operational & Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance

Training Course Overview Why do some organizations struggle to maintain competitiveness, while others achieve exceptional results in today\'s market? One critical reason is their lack of a robust framework ...

20-31 Oct 2025 Rome 10 Days $11,900 Details
Mini MBA: Strategic, Operational & Tactical Leadership

Mini MBA: Strategic, Operational & Tactical Leadership

Training Course Overview Why some organizations fail to stay competitive in the market and what key factors enable an organisation achieve outstanding results in the modern world? One of most ...

20-31 Oct 2025 Rome 10 Days $11,900 Details

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